Looking for the Dutchman's Treasure

By John P. O'Grady

[This article from the Quest magazine was slightly abridged from the full original, which will appear in John O'Grady's forthcoming book Grave Goods.

Every treasure hunt begins with a good story. Back in the 1930s there were a lot of gangsters who had a lot of loot to hide. The city wasn't safe, so they resorted to the Catskill Mountains with their booty and stashed it where wolves and Natty Bumppo once roamed. Have you ever seen those mountains? Secrets abound, but they are wondrously well preserved: every treasure buried in these mountains remains safely hidden, even to this day.One night in the early spring of 1933, a big Packard pulled off on a lonely road somewhere deep in the mountains, in a forest far away from any house. Two men in gabardine trench coats and fedoras got out of the car. Outfits like that usually mean gangsters, and in this case it was Dutch Schultz and his henchman. Dark pines towered above them. An owl may have been watching. Nearby a stream roared with the memory of winter. The air was chill. By the light of a lantern, each man's breath could be seen hovering like a ghost till it rose up and hung itself on the branch of a tree.

Dutch Schultz and his henchman opened the trunk of the Packard and took out a pick and a shovel. They began to dig in the gravely soil and grubbed out a serious hole. From the back of the car they hefted out a shiny steel chest, three feet long and two feet wide and eighteen inches high. Inside were millions of dollars in greenbacks, gold coins, diamonds, and negotiable bonds, or so the story goes. With great effort, the men hauled their burden to the edge of the hole and lowered it into the depths. It made a jangling thud when it landed. The Dutchman took one last look at his treasure before they closed it into the earth. The shiny steel of the chest sparkled with the light of the lantern, or was it the stars?

The Dutchman made careful work of this operation because, like anybody who hides a treasure, he had legitimate security concerns. Given his profession, he was skilled in cracking wise, but when it came to the important stuff he could keep his mouth shut. Although other mobsters around the city suspected the Dutchman had buried a vast hoard, they had no idea where, so they waited for him to slip up. He never did.

In the end, the steel chest remained in the ground. For reasons having little to do with treasure, Dutch Schultz and his henchman were gunned down by fellow mobsters one night in a Newark chop house. The Dutchman himself survived the shooting and hung on in the hospital for several hours. On his deathbed, he gabbled in a fever-induced delirium, each word a polished semiprecious gem of nonsense: "Oh, mama, mama, mama...I'm a pretty good pretzler...sir, get the doll a roofing...I am sore and I am going up and I am going to give you honey if I can...."

The cops, who were interested in the treasure, sat by the Dutchman's bedside and listened to his gibberish and asked him questions, but they couldn't get a straight answer. The mortally wounded gangster kept calling out for his mother. A psychologist in attendance said that this meant the Dutchman had returned to the helplessness of childhood and was crying out for comfort and protection. The cops nodded in agreement; they were used to deathbed scenes.

At one point, the Dutchman said, "The sidewalk was in trouble and the bears were in trouble and I broke it up." That caught the cops' attention. It was a baffling thing for anybody to say, but especially a dying gangster who had a treasure on his mind. Everybody agreed that this was no time to be literal, so they listened for more talk about bears, but Dutch Schultz fell into unconsciousness and that was it. From the treasure hunter's point of view, his last words were never adequately interpreted.

The henchman, on the other hand, was a more imprudent character. A secret usually outweighs the treasure it conceals, and talking about it is a way of disburdening. Before he was killed in the chop house massacre, the henchman unloaded, mentioning to a few friends his part in burying the treasure---always a mistake. Pretty soon the story was out: everybody in the underworld had heard a version of it. Next thing you know, bands of hoodlums in gabardine trench coats and fedoras were prowling the Catskill forests and digging a lot of holes. They didn't turn up much except worms. Then a rumor got out that the henchman had drawn a map and given it to a friend, so this friend was relieved of both the map and his life. Now with directions in hand, the mobsters were giddy with a sense of imminent success. Treasure hunters live for such moments.

The map was said to have consisted of a crude drawing of some pine trees, a creek, and a strange figure that some argued was the eye of an owl and others the footprint of a bear. The formidable obstacles to success were now evident: the map used a code nobody could crack, the only men who had actually seen the treasure were both dead, and none of these mobsters from the city had the woods lore to conduct a proper search for a drink of water much less a hidden treasure. Besides, they were mobsters and had other business, so they gave up the search. The treasure, as far as we know, is still in the ground. As for the map, like the library at Alexandria, it was lost.

But a story like this has a life of its own. It fell into the hands of ordinary people, who passed it like a baton across the generations. The legend of Dutch Schultz's treasure inspired a wide range of people, from little kids listening to the story around the fire at summer camp, to high school students looking for something to do on a Saturday night, to men past their prime rehearsing fictions down at Pandora's Tavern. On a good weekend, the parked cars of treasure hunters line the back roads of the Catskills. Take a walk in the forest at this time and you will hear the soft, arrhythmic clink of picks and shovels floating between the trees, a light mist of unearthly percussion, as if a band of sprites were working some fairy mine always just out of sight.

If you've ever met treasure hunters, you know they are not easily discouraged. They are irrationalists, enthusiasts, the last of the great idealists. There is something wistful and intense about them; you can see it in the eyes, which reveal a wealth of emotion but seem to focus on some distant and cloud-hidden prospect. Seized by longing, they are undaunted by those who insist that the treasure is just a myth. When everybody else thinks they've gotten to the bottom of things and come up empty-handed, along comes the treasure hunter with a divining rod and begins to dig.

Proverbial wisdom, however, warns that to have a treasure is a fear, but not to have it is a grief. There was a man in Maine who gave up everything to pursue treasure. He had grown up on a stretch of the coast frequented by pirates in the eighteenth century. A lot of treasure was supposed to be buried around there, and this man spent most of his life looking for it.

I knew him in college. He was one of those high-strung people you see on campus who is constantly snacking on nervous energy and washing it down with a Coke. The back of his car was filled with all the junk that goes with being a treasure hunter: picks and shovels, a metal detector, tattered maps to places nobody cared about anymore, and an old book called The Gaining of Treasure and the Wonders of Hill-Digging, the most remarkable feature of which was its advocacy of the use of forest fire as an effective method to "clear out the rank obscurities of pernicious vegetation."

He was always rushing off on some new expedition, prowling the back roads of eastern Maine for pirate treasure. I asked him once what he knew about Dutch Schultz's treasure, but he took it as an insult. He was one of those seekers who made it a point of pride that his quest was for "real treasure" and not some mere loot. As far as I know, this man never come home with any treasure, but his want of success was offset by his sufficiency of faith.

Eventually the man married and had a couple of kids. By all accounts, he had a happy family life and was making a good salary as a land surveyor, but he was never able to overcome his real passion. His greatest fear was that somebody else would get to the treasure first. He noted that over the course of history, the great religious figures pretty much offer the same advice for those who would seek treasure: "Go light." Taking them at their word, he abandoned his family, quit his job, and now spends most of his time on the road, where he sleeps in his car. He lives a mean and solitary life digging holes on other people's property.

Where there is wealth to hide, fear keeps the best guard. In ancient Rome the state treasury was housed in a vault underneath the Temple of Saturn. They knew what they were doing. Saturn was the god who ruled over how people paid for things; he was the great cosmic accountant, who kept a cold eye on all manner of debits and credits. Those under his restrictive influence were said to be dark, melancholy, and withdrawn. Some might say stingy. The old astrologers called him the "Greater Infortune." He hung out in places most people avoid, taking delight, according to one Renaissance occultist, "in Deserts, Woods, obscure Vallies, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountaines, or where men have been buried." Saturn's name in Greek was Kronos, "Time." Even today, that old god still commands a fearsome respect when he picks up his scythe and does a little gardening; we call him the Grim Reaper. Since time is money, who better to guard a treasure?

Another group that fall under the influence of Saturn are philosophers. The study of philosophy is a kind of intellectual treasure hunt. Although I've never been very good at it myself (professors in college told me my attitude was too "literary" or "not serious enough"), I've always enjoyed bushwhacking around in metaphysical thickets. Not long ago on campus I saw a sign advertising a lecture by a young philosopher entitled "A Sound Argument Concerning the Existence of God." Sounded like directions to a treasure to me, or at the very least a chance to witness the academic equivalent of a guy jumping Hell's Canyon on a motorcycle, so I hastened to the lecture hall.

The young philosopher talked about possible worlds and actual worlds, conceivable truths and necessary truths, reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. The talk was intended to be taken literally. In very precise terms, he explained why his premise—that God exists—is true. Among other things, he distinguished "an invalid inference form and its suspicious conditional brethren" from "a valid inference form and its unfailingly trustworthy conditional brethren." It was sort of like the Hatfields and McCoys of the head. Keen as I am for any method that would allow me to distinguish between the suspicious and the trustworthy, I was unable to follow the argument, which is to say, I lost the trail. There could well be a treasure in the logical woods, but at a certain point I realized just how unprepared I was to find my way around out there. I became a lot more interested in just getting home safely. It may have been when the young philosopher said, "I will now proceed to disambiguate my terms."

Driving down the highway in rush traffic, I saw a billboard with a generous black and white photograph of the Dalai Lama, who was wearing his robe and smiling down upon the passing motorists, some of whom were flipping each other off. Nowadays there is much talk about the way things are in Tibet, but persecution there is nothing new. At the beginning of the ninth century, all the Buddhists were either killed or driven out of Tibet by a king named Lang Darma. Before they left town, however, the Buddhists stashed many of their books and sacred objects under rocks and in caves and in other wild places to prevent their destruction. These holy items, to be revealed when the time was ripe, were intended to breathe new life into the practice of future generations of Buddhists.

Over the succeeding centuries, many of these texts and objects did come to light. The Tibetans called them termas, a word that means "treasure," and those who found them were called tertöns, "treasure discoverers." A terma, in fact, can be understood as anything that is precious or worthy of preservation. In addition to books and relics, a terma can manifest as a tree, a rock, a bear, or even a special place, perhaps one untrammeled by human beings.

The forms such treasure may take are innumerable, and each age finds the specific termas appropriate to its spiritual needs. Imagine that some of those earnest Tibetan Buddhists from long ago managed to find their way to North America and concealed some of their termas here, perhaps in the Catskill Mountains.

One summer when I was a kid, my brothers and I were out looking for Dutch Schultz's treasure in a stretch of woods that, by our reckoning, had to be the one depicted by the symbols on the henchman's long-lost map. There was a creek, and there were some pine trees, and we had heard there was a bear around here somewhere, or maybe an owl. This was the place, no doubt. Certainty such as this is one of the treasures of childhood, along with the ability to abandon yourself to a necessary imprecision.

The banks of the creek were thick with daisies and the air was fragrant with wild mountain thyme. We dug around for a while but had no luck, so decided to give fishing a try. We had some line and a hook but no bait. We went digging for worms. It was a dry summer and we didn't find any. Then one of us had an idea: why not try fishing with a flower? It was a big joke, so we baited the hook with a daisy and dangled it into a deep pool.

Almost at once, a fish fell for it. There was a tug on the line and we lifted a huge rainbow from the creek. To judge from my brothers' faces, you would have thought a pot of gold had been raised. We hauled it in and it smelled like a waterfall. We didn't know what to do with it because, even when we had gone fishing with real bait, we had never actually caught anything before, and besides, nobody in our family liked fish anyway. So our catch lay flapping in the summer sun on the summer grass. It seemed like a shipwreck turned inside out.

I don't know what came over us—we were boys not usually disposed to compassion—but without a word we worked together to unhook the fish and return it to the creek. It darted back into the depths. Afterwards when we told the story, a lot of people expressed dismay, not that we had caught a trout with a daisy, but that we had released it back into the water. "You should have held on to it," they said. "What good is a fish if you don't eat it?"

Perhaps they had a point, but today what I remember, more than the taste of any fish, is the look in my brothers' eyes when we pulled that rainbow out of the creek—the pure joy of knowing that one of the great things in life had just happened.

John P. O'Grady is the author of Pilgrims to the Wild and the forthcoming Grave Goods. His most recent book—Literature and the Environment (coedited with Lorraine Anderson and Scott Slovic)—is an anthology of fiction, essays, and poetry that explores the relationship between nature and human culture. He was the guest editor for the fall 1998 issue of Terra Nova: Nature & Culture, published by the MIT Press.

The History of International Earth Day

By Ananya S. Rajan

Originally printed in the March - April 2005 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Rajan, Ananya S. "The History of International Earth Day."Quest  93.2 (MARCH - APRIL 2005):43

International Earth Day is celebrated on every vernal equinox. The concept was started in 1969 by a gentleman named John McConnell.

John McConnell was born on March 22, 1915 in Davis City, Iowa and was the son of an evangelist. His interest in religion, science, and peace resulted in him dedicating his life to bettering humanity one cause at a time.

In 1939, McConnell served as vice-president and business manager of the Nobell Research Foundation in Los Angeles, California. McConnell helped found the organization with Albert Nobell (no relation to Alfred Nobel). It was here that McConnell"s interest in ecology began. The Foundation"s laboratory designed a plastic-making plant for a manufacturer and the idea of reusing and recycling waste material to create new products drew great interest from McConnell.

Having lived through the horrors of World War II, McConnell slowly began his campaign for peace and the relief of suffering. In 1962, he directed "Meals for Millions"in San Francisco to feed thousands of Hong Kong refugees. Soon after, he campaigned for a "Minute of Peace". The campaign was successful, but made its debut on December 22, 1963 marking the end of the period of mourning for President Kennedy.

In 1968, Mr. McConnell incorporated "World Equality"to foster the idea of equality in nature and human society. After seeing the first photo from space of the Earth, McConnell designed the official Earth Flag. In 1975, the flag was flown down to the South Pole. It is now part of the United Nations ceremony of Earth Day that is held on the vernal equinox.

International Earth Day was proposed in 1969 by McConnell at a UNESCO meeting in San Francisco. The idea was "to celebrate the need to preserve and renew the threatened ecological balance upon which all life on Earth depends."

The city of San Francisco supported the idea and soon the idea was signed by the UN General Secretary U Thant. On March 21, 1970, the first official Earth Day celebration took place.

So why do we celebrate Earth Day on April 22 in the US? A senator from Wisconsin named Gaylord Nelson planned an ecological summit for April 22 in 1970. In 1969 Senator Nelson approached McConnell with the idea of making April 22 Earth Day to coincide with the beginning of the summit, but McConnell declined, wanting to keep the vernal equinox as the date. Senator Nelson proposed April 22 as Earth Day at the summit and the United States made it official.

John McConnell had his reasons for keeping the vernal equinox as International Earth Day. One is it is the first day of spring and a time of renewal. But more importantly, it also the time when day and night are equal throughout the planet. It is a time of perfect balance and a reminder to us of how we need to live, in harmony and balance.

If you would like more information about John McConnell or International Earth Day, go to www.earthday.org  Earth Day flags can be bought at www.flagspot.net.

Take a Bite

By Betty Bland

Originally printed in the July - August 2007 issue of Quest magazine. 
Citation: Bland, Betty."Take a Bite." Quest  95.4 (JULY-AUGUST 2007): 124-125.

Betty Bland

Those who grew up with the Biblical tradition of Adam and Eve have often heard that they were born sinful because of Eve's actions. Eve took a bite of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then convinced Adam to do the same—at the urging of the serpent, of course. Viewed allegorically, the story may speak of the coming of age for humanity, when intellectual acumen (the wisdom of the serpent) had reached the level which brought humankind to the age of accountability, that stage at which one becomes self-responsible and capable of understanding the difference between right and wrong.

From that point in our development, we humans have had the tendency to make poor choices and then to say, "The devil made me do it!" When things go awry we do not like to think that we may have done anything to cause the problem. We prefer to point the finger of blame in every direction but toward ourselves. And truly, it does seem that from birth we are caught up in a stream of circumstances that shape us in ways that tend to make us repeat the same mistakes again and again. Caught in our personality quirks and throes of our circumstances, we deny the presence of freewill, one of our greatest gifts and the tool by which we can begin our spiritual journey back to the source of our being.

We say that we are inextricably caught in a quagmire of predestined events. Fate has had it in for us from the beginning, so now we will just continue as we have been and hope that something outside ourselves will intervene. Viewed from the perspective of the blind and struggling personality there is some truth to this view. At any moment in time, however, we have the freedom to reach into the deeper core of our being where abides will, purpose, and loving kindness. At such a moment everything shifts and we can catch a glimpse of the possibilities rather than the limitations. Madam Blavatsky wrote about freewill in relation to astrology but her statements apply equally to astrology, fate, or predestination.

I hold, moreover, that astrology, being a calculation of the planetary influences on an individual, is merely a science of tendencies. In other words, the influences in themselves are such as to predispose the individual to adopt the line of action predicted. Man, however, being endued with what is called free-will, but what I prefer to call latent will-power or soul-power, may develop it to such an extent that he may successfully oppose the planetary influences and overcome what is popularly known as fate. It is only when the individual is passive, or when his will-power is undeveloped and feeble, or when, the will-power being developed, he works in the direction of the planetary influences themselves, that astrological predictions will be realized. Hence it is that we hear it said that when a person possessing the necessary amount of developed will-power is initiated into the mysteries of occultism, he passes beyond the pale of astrological predictions. (Collected Works vol. 6, 327)

Each of us does begin this life with a unique set of circumstances, tendencies, and talents. Whatever they are, we can make the most of them and even rise above them. We can turn them into opportunities for learning, service, and even joy—but only by changing our attitudes and directly facing the things we fear or dislike, by exercising our will power.

If this is true, why do we often feel so trapped as if there is no way we can make a difference? Perhaps our own timidity and fear is our greatest jailer. Freedom of will is available only to the bold. As American author and lecturer Marianne Williamson said, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." We have a vast potential that in our weaker-willed moments we tremble even to consider. Rather than shrinking away with feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy, claim your power to be all that you can be. Direct your energies toward the powers of love and life; be creative in seeing the opportunity in each challenge or failure. Take responsibility boldly, and see how your life begins to turn around, ever so slowly perhaps at first, but turn it will.

As your life changes, so does the rest of the world—one small step at a time. And the small steps of each of us toward wholeness and peace can and will transform the world. As Galadriel told Frodo in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. This is yours to do. No one else can do it for you" (Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, movie 2001).

Each of us is responsible of our own freewill to incorporate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil into our understanding and judgment so that we can fully claim its power. Take a big bite and then listen to the wisdom of the inner self and dare to follow where it leads. In doing so, you will claim the truth of freewill for yourself and begin to recreate the idyllic nature of the original Garden of Eden in the world around us. It is possible to move in that direction if enough of us recognize our precious birthright of personal responsibility. Used wisely, that power will transform the world. It is available to each of us for the choosing.

The Radiant Mind

Originally printed in the July - August 2003 issue of Quest magazine.
Citation: Cianciosi, John. "The Radiant Mind." Quest  91.4 (JULY - AUGUST 2003):124-128.

By John Cianciosi

Theosophical Society - John Cianciosi, a student of the late Venerable Ajahn Chah, was ordained a Buddhist monk in 1972 and served as spiritual director of monasteries in Thailand and Australia. He is author of The Meditative Path and is currently the director of public programs at the Theosophical Society.The mind is at the center of all experience and thus it is the most important factor in determining the quality of life. Although we may talk of a world out there, in reality, the only world we can experience directly is in our own mind. As it says in an ancient Buddhist text, the Dhammapada: "Our life is shaped by our mind, we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it, while happiness follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves."

But what is this thing we call mind that animates the body and means we are alive? I know that I must have a mind for I perceive a distinct difference between my present state and that of a corpse, which is simply matter devoid of consciousness or mind. Is this mind my thoughts? Western culture is heavily influenced by the French philosopher Rene Descartes' famous equivocation: "I think, therefore I am." But what happens if I stop thinking—does my mind disappear? What of all the feelings, emotions, desires, and aspirations that are so powerful and yet undeniably transient? Where do they come from, how do they arise, and where do they go?

These are fascinating questions that many of us will have asked at one time or another. But it is difficult to arrive at satisfactory answers, and science does not seem to be much closer to unraveling the mysteries of consciousness.


In the teachings of ancient traditions such as Buddhism, there is great emphasis on the practice of introspection, or looking deeply within to discover answers to these questions. This approach has lead to deep insights into the real nature of mind.

The Buddha said that the mind in its original or fundamental state is radiant or brilliant. However, it becomes tarnished, so that the radiance is obscured, by the defilements that arise in it. This tells us that the underlying nature of the mind is bright, still, silent, and peaceful. It is empty of all the multiplicity of thoughts and concepts. There is only a bright, vibrant state of knowing. On the other hand, the defilements are visitors that come and go—they are creations of the mind.

Thus, that original radiance is obscured when the mind gets entangled in its own creations, the jungle of thoughts, memories, hopes, fears, and the countless other possible mental states. Some of these creations of the mind are wholesome, positive, and even beautiful, while others are negative and ugly. Nature allows us to create anything—the good and the bad, the refined and the coarse, heaven and hell.

Some people create a tangle of awful, negative, nasty, and mean thoughts, full of anger and resentment. The original radiant and pure mind is completely obscured by these defilements. It becomes worse when, having created these states of mind, one proceeds to act on them through one's speech and body. This is how all cruel and inhumane behavior arises. War starts in the minds of people, and cruelty comes from cruel intentions that originate in the mind.

But nature also allows us to create that which is good and beautiful. If we rise to the occasion by applying our mind in the right way, we can create compassionate, kind, and loving thoughts. In this case, the original radiance of the mind is also obscured, but by positive and wholesome creations. These thoughts and intentions lead to action that is kind and benevolent, conducive to the well being of oneself and others.

Nature allows both possibilities. So in the world we find both saints and monsters—people whose lives are a blessing to the world—and those who only live to bring misery and suffering.

Of course, the vast majority of us are just ordinary people with both good and bad tendencies. Thus we create and experience a variety of mental states and emotions, some of which are positive while others are negative. However, few of us can actively direct what we create in the mind. At times, it is as if the mind has "a mind of its own." In a sense it does. It is driven by the power of past conditioning, by habit and instinct. That is why we tend to recreate old patterns and react in similar ways to particular situations and people, even when we don't want to. On many occasions we may want to respond in a positive way, but instead find ourselves dwelling in petty or negative states of mind. Obviously, we are not yet masters of our own creations.


When we appreciate that the mind is the source of all that we create, then we will recognize the importance of meditation or mental cultivation. Through the practice of meditation we can empower ourselves by developing the mental qualities that allow us to shape our own destinies. These qualities enable us to choose what we create in our own minds and thereby influence the world we live in. Furthermore, if we are persistent and sincere in our practice, we can also experience directly the radiant mind that underlies creation.

Although there is an increasing interest in the practice of meditation, it is not uncommon for people to seek short cuts to quick experiences of altered states of consciousness. Personally, I do not see much benefit in such approaches because those experiences rarely translate into insights that people can actually live. Often, they only cause more confusion. As one teacher put it, "If you expand a deluded mind, all you end up with is expanded delusion!" Though a slow process requiring considerable training, the practice of meditation actually empowers us, and leads to insights that bring about real changes in our lives.

Meditation is an inner journey of introspection and training that involves both systematic mental exercises and a general meditative approach to ordinary life. I have come to call this whole process "The Meditative Path". There are two fundamental qualities that we need to cultivate in order to progress along this path—awareness and concentration.


Awareness, which we might also call mindfulness, is the state of "the mind being fully present." An aware mind is not just conscious in the ordinary sense, because we can be conscious without being fully aware, without clearly knowing what the mind is involved with, or where the attention is at that time. We often go through life with only a modicum of attention to our present experience, operating mainly on automatic pilot and just reacting to situations out of habit. That is why it is so hard to change, even when we want to. Freedom of choice eludes us.

However, we do have some awareness, or moments when the mind is fully awake to the present experience. It is important to recognize the subtle but profound difference between just being conscious and being mindful, or having consciousness with awareness. Have you ever been driving in a car when you suddenly think, "Oh! Where am I? I've gone past my turn off!" What was your mind doing before that moment of awareness? You were conscious, but your mind was not fully present—not awake, clear, and mindful.

In meditation, we want to cultivate that fullness of mind that lets us be truly sensitive to the present moment. Stop for a moment and consider, "What am I feeling now? Where is my attention now?" Awareness makes this type of introspection and exploration possible. It is an essential element in the practice of meditation, and only through the development of this quality can we cultivate concentration and insight.

It should be noted that being aware is not the same as being alert. Alertness is a heightened state of attention that is usually associated with some degree of stress arising from fear or excitement. There is an "edge" to it that is not conducive to a state of peace. However, awareness involves no stress and is not driven by fear or excitement. The mind is fully awake in the present but it is relaxed and balanced—not on edge.

Being aware does not require that we keep our attention on one thing or that there must be no thinking. Even as the attention moves from one thing to another, we can still remain aware, because awareness flows with the conscious experience. It acts like light and it illumines the experience so that it is clear in consciousness. Thus, with awareness we clearly know what we are thinking, feeling, intending or doing. Therefore, it is something that can be maintained at all times and we can strive to develop it even while going about our ordinary daily activities. In fact, whatever we do will be done better when we are fully present. By bringing more awareness into our ordinary life, we can transform it into a meditation practice. Awareness allows us to clearly see our internal world, the creations of our minds, and gradually the door to understanding and freedom opens to us.


However, for us to experience the radiant mind or have the power to direct the creations of our minds, it is essential that we also develop concentration. This is the ability to direct and hold our attention on one thing for a desired period of time. If we think of awareness as light, then we might think of concentration as a laser, or focused light. The strength of concentration is determined by how fully we can focus and how long we can sustain that attention.

It is concentration that gives us the ability to go beyond concepts and thoughts so as to realize the radiant mind. Concentration also enables us to direct our mental creations for it is said that true masters can think what they want to think when they want to, and not think when there is no need for it.

Again it is worth noting that we all have the ability to concentrate to some degree. However, most people in ordinary life have learned to concentrate by forcing the mind to remain focused on some task. Concentrating in this way is usually stressful and tiring. Thus we do not enjoy doing it and avoid it when possible. We must be careful not to use this forceful approach in our meditation practice. Rather we should use gentle effort to teach the mind, encouraging it to abandon its endless "thinking about" and incline towards a state of stillness and silence which is refreshingly restful.


There are a great many meditation methods, using different meditation objects, that can be utilized for training the mind and cultivate both awareness and concentration. The method I am most familiar with uses the natural flow of the breath as the object of meditation. Often referred to as "Mindfulness of Breathing," it is one of the most widely used meditation techniques.

The theory and the basic technique of this meditation method are simple and easily understood. However, developing the skill and experience required for achieving deep concentration will take much practice, under suitable conditions and wise guidance. Training the mind is not easy, but it can be done with patient, gentle effort, and dedication. Even a journey of a thousand miles can be successfully undertaken, and it begins with a few humble, but important steps. Thus we must start by making time for practicing meditation, and then try to do it regularly.

In "Mindfulness of Breathing" we do not interfere with the breath. We simply let the body breathe as it wants and when it wants. Our effort is directed at cultivating mental awareness and concentration rather than teaching the body how to breathe.

The basic instructions are as follows. Find a quiet place, and sit in a posture that feels reasonably comfortable and balanced. Try to keep your back erect, but avoid tension in the body. Allow your eyes to close gently and let the body breathe naturally through the nose.

Leaving everything aside, bring your attention inward and experience the body as it sits still. Spend a little time relaxing any unnecessary tension in the body and then turn your attention to the breathing. Arouse the awareness that simply knows when the breath is flowing in and when it is going out. Try to sustain that knowing by encouraging the mind to relax with the breath—peacefully breathing in, peacefully breathing out.

Allow everything else to fade into the background as you continually arouse interest in the flow of the breath. While the attention remains on the breath, your awareness will know it. When the mind drifts away to something else, just note this fact with awareness, and gently but firmly bring the attention back to the breath. Continue training the mind in this way with patient and vigilant effort for the duration of the meditation.

In the early stages of your practice, you will find that when you try to remain attentive to the breath, the mind will still be quite busy, thinking about one thing or another. At this level of awareness, the experience of the breath remains superficial and sporadic. However, you can sharpen your awareness if you continue to practice on a regular basis and make an effort to thin out the jungle of thoughts. By continually letting go of the various distractions that arise, and encouraging the mind to embrace only the breath, gradually the experience of each inhalation and exhalation becomes more prominent in consciousness. The meditation deepens as the internal chatter quietens and the quality of the breath is increasingly clear to the mind. Awareness gradually becomes more sharp and continuous, and concentration becomes more focused and sustained.

Have you ever been to the beach and walked slowly out into the sea? As you walk in, the water gradually covers your feet, ankles, knees, waist, and so forth, until you are completely immersed. We can think of progress in meditation as being a similar experience: a gradual immersion into the sea of serenity as the mind becomes increasingly attentive to the breath.

Eventually the mind embraces the breath as its sole object of attention. It is content and happy to experience each breath, savoring every peaceful moment as a timeless "now". There will no longer be any internal commentary about the breath, let alone anything else. Within that resounding silence, we begin to experience the joy of just being without doing.

With the deepening of the meditation experience, the breath will naturally become increasingly subtle and fine. Eventually, in very deep meditation, the mind begins to perceive the breath not as a physical object but purely as a mental image, which usually manifests as light. A present-day meditation master, Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso, describes this transition in the following way.

When you are passively observing just the beautiful breath in the moment, the perception of in breath or out breath, or of beginning or middle or end of a breath, should all be allowed to disappear. All that is known is the experience of the beautiful breath happening now'Here we are simplifying the object of meditation, the experience of the breath in the moment, stripping away all unnecessary details, moving beyond the duality of in and out, and just being aware of a beautiful breath that appears smooth and continuous, hardly changing at all.

'Now the breath will disappear, not when "you" want it to, but when there is enough calm, leaving only "the beautiful." 'Disembodied beauty becomes the sole object of the mind. The mind is now taking its own object. You are not aware at all of the breath, body, thought, sound, or the world outside. All that you are aware of is beauty, peace, bliss, light, or whatever your perception will later call it. You are experiencing only beauty, with nothing being beautiful, continuously, effortlessly.

As this description indicates, at this level of meditation the mind is so still that it is beyond creating concepts and labels. There is only the experience of mind as knowing, radiant, and unobscured.

The Buddha gave the following simile to illustrate this process. On a full moon night, although here is a bright full moon in the sky, it can be almost completely obscured by thick clouds. However, when those clouds are dispersed, then the brilliantly shining disc of the moon becomes clearly visible. In this simile, the clouds represent the creations of the mind — thoughts, emotions, perception of the body and the physical senses. The shining full moon, of course, refers to the radiant mind released from all obstructions.

In all contemplative traditions, when practitioners reach such deep levels of meditation, they often describe an experience of radiant light. Naturally, they may interpret that experience differently according to their beliefs; but the experience is the same. This is because the fundamental nature of the mind is that radiant state before the arising of concepts. In it there are no characteristics that would make it male or female, white or black, young or old, Christian or Buddhist, yours or mine. These are labels, concepts and constructs that can arise only when the creating process begins in the mind.

From the Buddhist perspective, this mind is not a by-product of the body, nor does it arise and cease with the birth and death of the body. Furthermore, this fundamental nature of mind underlies the process of consciousness in all other living beings, whether animal, human, or celestial. This is why an enlightened person, such as the Buddha, will naturally have boundless compassion for all forms of life.

We could even say that, as living beings, the radiant mind is our inheritance, regardless of whether or not we have directly experienced it. Therefore, we may want to protect this inner treasure from being tarnished by defilements. Using the awareness we have developed through our practice, we can clearly recognize the various creations of the mind. If we are vigilant and wise, we will encourage those positive and wholesome states of mind that are conducive to inner peace and happiness. Only in this way can we bring peace and harmony into the world, because what we create in the world is simply a reflection of what is in our minds.
